School Programme
Every month we host students from the schools of the Sabaragamuwa Province to experience the regenerating forest and also understand the meaning of holistic health.
Ten students, preferably 1st year advanced level science students and two teachers form a single group and participate in a scheduled programme of learning. This programme includes indoor presentations and discussions, field investigations including laboratory observations. During the school programme special emphasis is given to topics such as:
The bio-diversity of Sri Lanka in relation to rain forests
- Global warming
- Climate change
Awareness programmes for visitors
A knowledge on the factors identified for the mitigation of global warming and climatic change is discussed in detail along with the bio-diversity of Sri Lanka (including diversity of rain forests). The main purpose of this activity is to promote conservation practices not only in school children but also in the visitors who come to Mahausakande.
Every operation has an ecological footprint with an introduction to the concept of holistic health.
Special programmes can organized for local/international universities, schools or other interested parties